​The Story of the Universe

In the beginning there was Nothing. Before the Universe, there was no Universe. After the Universe, there is no Universe.

Everything is a journey from Nothing to Nothing.

Before the Universe, there was absolutely nothing. Void filled up everything. Nothing was Everything. There was no matter, no space, no time; absolutely nothing at all. The whole Universe was a single neutron. There were no electrons and no protons, just the neutron.

And that's all you need to create Everything. You need something (or things) to create anything, and you need Nothing to create Everything.

A state of absolute Nothing is unsustainable. A state of Nothing can last forever, but when you have no space, no time and no matter, forever is Nothing. It's like saying that zero is nothing. That is true because zero on its own is exactly that, it's a zero. It's a neutron of sorts that means nothing and cannot be defined or contained other than in relation to protons and electrons. That's why it doesn't matter at all how long we had a state of void for. The second you have a void, you have a universe. Because no matter how long it takes before something happens in a void, that time is nothing as there's no time (and no space and no matter), in void.

Think of zero and of infinity. We can count down to the lowest fraction of one, and still be able to find a lower number (higher decimal). Similarly, we can count up to the highest number, then add another number, but not reach infinity. Because these two states are unstable. If you get to zero, you get to infinity...instantly. They're the same. If we can observe the tiniest particle of matter, we find out that it's made up of other particles of matter. We can never reach the tinier particle than the tiniest ever particle because it's nothing; it's zero. (Actually, the tiniest particles are not particles at all, they're just electrical charges, but that's for later). Same with the Universe. We can't get to the full size of the Universe, to the outer skirts and then look in at the Universe. The further we go, the more we explore out there. Getting to the full size of the Universe means reaching infinity. That is zero all over again. When you manage to get outside the Universe and look back at it, you're in Void. But in void there's Nothing. No space, no time, no matter. So you look back and there's Nothing (similar to quantum physics, but that's also for later).

If this is too much to comprehend, it's because we're trying to explain a binary code "situation" using language. Language is not designed to communicate zeros and infinities. Thoughts are. Thoughts, like binary codes of computers, are electrical currents made of zero and one, on and off, plus and minus. So our thoughts can comprehend what I'm talking about. But humans can only express their thoughts using language. So, let's try another way.

Anything you divide by zero equals infinity. 1 / 0 = infinity. 9 / 0 = infinity. So 0 / 0 = infinity

In other words, you don't need to disturb Void with something to create a Universe. You don't need to drop a pebble on the universal pond in order to create a ripple effect. When the pond is a perfect, endless, tranquil state of nothingness, you drop nothing on it and it creates a ripple effect. And since the ripple effect is being created on a zero resistance pond of absolute Nothing, it's instant. The ripple effect travels to the end of the pond instantly. But if Nothing filled everything as there was nothing else out there, then the end of the pond is infinite. So the ripple effect goes from zero to infinity instantly, in 3-D. THAT IS THE UNIVERSE

But it's Nothing at the same time. It never happened. This is quantum physics in its truest form.

Because zero divided by anything is zero. 0 / 1 = 0. 0 / 9 = 0. So 0 / 0 = 0

But we already established that 0 / 0 = infinity. So, In other words, 0  = infinity. Funny enough, we denote zero as a circle. You can go endlessly around a circle, to infinity, and stay on the same circle, the zero. 

All you need to create a Universe is a Void. And the second you can "see" the entire Universe, it's not there. There's nothing there. No space, no time, no matter. Nothing. The act of seeing the entire Universe deletes it. That is what quantum physics is all about: The relationship between zero and infinity, nothing and everything, Void and the Universe.

It's only a vast, endless, and constantly growing Universe because we're in it, trapped in one of its endless ripples. But if we're outside its outermost ripple, there's Nothing.

Let's go back to the pond. Imagine a perfectly still pond. Imagine the ripple effect that a very tiny pebble would create in such a pond. Now try to imagine that effect in a pond that has no boundaries, no shores; the ripple effect will keep growing endlessly. And now, imagine this ripple effect in 3-D, in space, versus on the 2-D surface of a pool.

The state of Nothing is unsustainable. "Nothing" can be disturbed by anything no matter how tiny it is. Even if it's nothing itself. Zero divided by zero is infinity. The disturbance of Nothing to Nothing created a ripple effect that is still growing, in 3-D (like a ball or a balloon). This is how our universe started (and ended).

To avoid confusion, let's consider the Nothing that disturbed the void as "something very tiny" for now.

The center of the universe is exactly where that tiny disturbance took place. The disturbance to void - the Neutron - created electrons and protons, but we'll come to that later. For now, think of the ripple effect as a 3-D shock wave formed of ripples of matter, and in between these ripples there is entrapped void. Void also fills the space inside the innermost ripple and outside the outermost ripple. Imagine the ripple effect in a pond again, and think in 3-D. The ripples are traveling very fast away from the center of the universe, and as they do, they are growing bigger and bigger, racing toward their destiny, in perfect 3-D circles, each surrounding the one inside, with void entrapped in between. Except that the circles are more like balls than circles, because you have to think in 3-D.

The Earth, the solar system, the Milky Way galaxy, and all the rest of our known universe, is a tiny part of one single ripple. We will never be able to observe other ripples because of the void between ripples. Void absorbs everything. It's the ultimate dark matter.

Theoretically speaking, if we could ever produce a particle that travels faster than the speed at which the Universe is expanding, it would travel away from Earth into the Universe, inside our own ripple, along a perfect trajectory in between the boundaries of our ripple, parallel to the outer boundary and the inner boundary. So this particle is not travelling into the center of the Universe where the first disturbance occurred, or away from it toward the outermost ripple. It is traveling within our own ripple. Such particle would come back to earth at the end of its journey from the other side of our ripple. Remember to think in 3-D. There are infinite trajectories that this particle could take and yet come back to Earth without turning back, just by traveling straight. Travelling around the Universe and back is exactly the same as travelling around planet Earth on any straight line and coming back to our starting point.

The reason the ripples and the void in between them are traveling very fast away from the center of the Universe, and in the process becoming much bigger, is that protons and electrons can only exist in motion. Sitting still kills them, and they are struggling for survival. Look at the atom: electrons and protons inside an atom are constantly moving. The Universe has the same characteristics of an atom, and behaves like one. There’s nothing else but protons and electrons in the Universe. Everything else is formed of them. As to neutrons, it’s a different story.

The whole Universe was a single neutron. When the "first tiny disturbance" occurred and created the circular 3-D ripple effect, some parts of the void, i.e. the Neutron or Dark Matter, were trapped in between the ripples. Other parts were trapped with sets of electrons and protons, and together, they formed atoms. Then atoms started coming together to form matter. Matter traveling very fast inside ever-expanding ripples grew larger and larger and much larger, forming, in the process, planets and everything that exists on planets and in between them. Each ripple is filled with electrons and protons, with parts of void (neutron) trapped inside. Between ripples there is void. Inside the innermost ripple there is void. Outside the outermost ripple there is void. All void is one, because void was a single neutron before "the disturbance" occurred, and it will be a single neutron again. Void (or Dark Matter, or the Neutron) is the canvass of the Universe; the pond of the ripple effect

The void has no concept of time. What for us is a billion years is less than a split second to void. It’s actually a blip taking no time at all. The universal ripple effect in void is bound to end, and once it does, the void restores its eternal tranquility. Void will have no recollection of what happened. For void, "a disturbance" took place and ended immediately afterwards. Void is so omnipresent that it does not notice anything that exists, even if that thing was the entire Universe. Void is the absence of time, space and matter. When all is gone, it never even happened. Zero is infinity. And the "tiny disturbance" is Nothing. Nothing / Nothing = Infinity = Zero.

Why do we assume that the Universe started somewhere, or with something, versus void? We already know that life is a trip from birth to death, and that everything we know has a start and an end. It’s only normal to apply the same logic to the Universe. Imagine a trip you take by car. You start in static mode and end the same. Your trip is from standstill to standstill. How long does it take before you start a certain trip? How can you compare the time that your trip takes to the time before you started your trip. If you start your trip at 8.00 a.m on September
 15, 2020 and reach your destination at 9.00 a.m. on the same day, that’s one hour of your time. However, you cannot estimate the time it took you before you started your trip. If you want to relate the trip experience only to you, you could say that it took you 35 years before you started that one-hour trip (if you are 35 years old). If you want to relate that trip to humanity, you can say that it took you 200,000 years to start that trip (since humankind existed). However, you can also relate that particular one-hour trip to the big bang and say that it took 13.7 billion years for this trip to start. You can even go much further back to the genesis of the Universe until you reach infinity.

The same could be applied forward. Someone who wants to refer to your trip 10,000 years from now will say that your one-hour trip took place 10,000 years ago. So, there is also infinity after the end of your trip. Now isolate your trip from any other occurrence. Assume that your one-hour trip was all that ever took place anywhere, anytime. In that context, your trip, although it interrupted that endless stillness from infinity to infinity for one hour, did not occur at all. Anything divided by infinity equals zero. One could claim that the universal trip is much longer than one hour. Okay, how long? It’s bound to end. Say after gazillion years. Gazillion/Infinity = zero. In other words, the trip of the Universe from void to void did not even take place because it took place on the canvass of void (no time, no space, no matter).

Void is one. The void trapped inside the innermost ripple and in between the ripples, is racing to unite with the void outside the outermost ripple. And it will. The current outer ripple is the last frontier of the universe.

And this is exactly why infinity does not exist. The human mind was never able to reach that numerical, simply because it does not exist. Infinity is zero. The whole universe will end as it started: Void. Eternity exists only in void. Everything else ends, including the Universe. Why would there be infinity to start with? Why do we assume that things start from zero and keep growing indefinitely? In a circle, we always go back to where we started. Zero and infinity are the same. Things never move in a straight line. Everything about the universe is circular. Same with numbers. We start with zero, then move on a circular line, until we come back to zero. Infinity is our ability to go around the circle over and over indefinitely.

The instant travel of a particle from one ripple to another, across void, explains the black hole phenomenon, or dark matter. Humans have been wondering about “black holes of the universe”, large pockets of darkness that attract close-by planets and planet formations and make them disappear. Actually, these planets and galaxies are disappearing at the point of entry to the black hole, only to instantly re-appear at the point of exit from the black hole, on the opposite side. The black holes are nothing but huge pockets of entrapped void, or Neutron, inside a ripple. But we are unable to track the emergence of matter on the opposite side because the universe is too vast and it will take millions of light years for telescopes to capture the instant re-emergence owing to distance from point of entry. 

One might believe in the ripple-effect formation of the universe but still argue for more universal complexity, by suggesting that there could be other ripples out there at the same time, i.e. other universes. This, technically, is impossible. Void cannot sustain two ripple effects at the same time. Remember the nature of the beast. Void has no notion of time or space, or nothing else for that matter. The human mind could imagine two occurrences taking place in void at the same time because we think in terms of time and space. As far as void is concerned, there was nothing, then something, then nothing again. The time between something and nothing is gazillion years, but it is only a blip on the void’s radar. But there are no blips in Void. The blip is Nothing. The chances of two blips occurring in no-time and no-space, at the same time and the same space, are technically impossible.

One last thing: Quantum physics. You look at something, and that act of looking changes the outcomes. We already said that if one manages to see the entire Universe, it won't be there. The second you reach infinity, you reach zero. Puff; gone; Nothing. We also established that the second you notice (or create) Void, you see a Universe. But there's more to quantum physics than that. Quantum physics is about the ability to move something by moving something else that is not apparently or visibly related to it. So what is that about?

Think of the pond and the ripple effect once more. Ripples are nothing different from the pond. The canvas of the entire ripple effect is the water in the pond. There's nothing else (other than the pebble that started the ripple effect). The same applies to the Universe. The canvas is one, and it's the void (remember that zero divided by zero is zero and infinity at the same time. But also any number divided by itself is One. So the Void is One. The ripple effect is one entity regardless how many ripples you got). What's inside the ripples that make up our Universe is identical. They might be smaller in inner ripples and bigger in outer ripples, including the distances between them, but they are identical across the ripples. Technically they are not even different things; they are the same thing that is replicated in every ripple. So if anything, be it an atom or a planet or a galaxy, moves or changes or disappears in one ripple, it does the same in all the ripples. That is the basis of quantum physics.  

To sum it all up, the whole Universe is the result of an unnoticeable disturbance to the perfect void that existed, or did not exist for that matter, before the Universe started its trip from void to void. The universe is a circular three dimensional electrical shock traveling very fast away from where the first disturbance took place. The void caught in between the ripples will eventually reunite with the void outside, in eternal tranquility. Everything inside the ripples, that forms the Universe, is made up of electrons, protons, and trapped void that we call neutrons. In other words, humans and everything else that exists on earth and in the cosmos are all the same. The only difference is the way our electrons, protons and neutrons are clustered. But remember, there is no such thing as neutrons in plural. There is one single Neutron that is currently divided by the ripples that form the universe, and parts of which are entrapped in every physical matter inside each of the ripples. The Neutron was one and will be one again. The billions of years it took the Universe to form, and the billions more it will take it to vanish, are all but a relative human notion. As far as void is concerned, the disturbance to its tranquility, called Universe, happened and vanished in a split second to the extent that void has no recollection of it happening at all. Time only exists for whatever or whoever is riding one of the ripples that form the universe. If one tries to observe our Universe from the bigger “void” perspective, there’s nothing to be observed. Time divided by infinity is zero. Existence divided by Void is Non-existence. Anything divided by Everything is Nothing, no matter how big it is, or was.

But always remember that the tiny disturbance that created the ripple effect is nothing itself. 

Everything we are, everything we do, all behavioral patterns of humans and matter, is affected by this ripple-effect called The Universe. But that's another topic for another day.....

Quantum Physics beyond the Hype and why it Matters beyond Anything

Why should anyone care about quantum physics? We already know that quantum computing has the potential to change everything. The computing power of today’s most powerful binary code machines, including those with “artificial intelligence”, is nothing compared to the computing power of a machine that can harness the power of quantum physics. But how far away are we? Who are the winners and losers of the new race? What are the implications for humankind? And what really is quantum physics beyond computing?

In its simplest form, quantum physics is the state of something being “on” and “off” at the same time. It’s knowing that something is there, although the act of looking at it makes it disappear. It’s like a coin being flipped in the air: While it can only be head or tails when static, it’s both while flipping. It also includes the notion that two particles can be connected although they are miles (or light years) apart, with no idea about what connects them.

Nothing in today’s world explains the genesis of this enormous quantum power. One thing for sure, this is far bigger than the impact of machinery on Stone Age, and of computing on the Industrial Age. This is far bigger than humankind, our planet, and the known universe. This is the most transformational knowledge we’ve ever commanded. It impacts everyone, everywhere, forever.

To understand quantum physics, first let’s think small, then let’s think big.

What’s the smallest particle? Every time our technology allows us to go deeper inside the atom, we find ever smaller building blocks. Our minds can accept the fact that the smallest number is zero, but can’t accept the fact that the smallest building block for the physical world is zero too. If once keeps going smaller and smaller inside matter, the logical conclusion is that the smallest “thing” ever is indivisible; as indivisible as zero. The genesis is zero. Nothing. To expect that there is something smaller than the smallest thing ever defies logic. Nothing is smaller than the smallest thing ever. Nothing. Zero. I apologize for over-emphasizing, but the sentence has to be read out: Zero is smaller than the smallest thing ever.

Now let’s think big. How big is the Universe? Suppose we figure that out one day, then what? What falls outside the big big Universe? Whatever does, is then part of the Universe, because it’s something. Unless it’s Nothing. To expect that something is bigger than the biggest thing ever defies logic. Nothing is bigger than the biggest thing ever. Nothing. Zero. Zero is bigger than the biggest thing ever.

Now, we’re finally making sense. And now we’re starting to understand quantum physics. It’s all about asking the right questions. Science is based on observation. But some things we will never be able to observe, and we have to address differently.

So, the smallest thing is Nothing, and the biggest thing is Nothing. We denote the biggest number ever as infinity not because we cannot keep adding a number to the biggest number ever, but because we know that there’s no such thing as the biggest number ever. Nothing is a straight line. Even the numerical line eventually curves and goes back to zero. That is infinity. The ability to go back and around and around, infinitely.

The same applies to matter, except that it’s a 3-D equation, not a numerical line. In the beginning, there was nothing. No matter how long that phase lasted, it didn’t last at all because there’s nothing in Nothing. No space, no time, no matter. So, for ever and ever, there was nothing….which is exactly that. It never happened!

But “Nothing” is indivisible. It’s a zero. In space, which doesn’t even exist, “Nothing” is the perfect conductor for anything. It’s like a very still pond surface getting disturbed by the slightest pebble. A perfect ripple effect ensues, and keeps growing till it hits the edges of the pond. In a limitless and perfectly still pond, the ripple effect grows indefinitely. Now, imagine that in 3D. That’s our Universe. Growing from void, into void. But as far as the void is concerned, it’s not even there. The Universe never happened.

Let’s go back to today’s definition of quantum computing. Let’s imaging that coin being flipped in the air. It’s both head and tails while flipping. For a spec of dust that got on the coin at some point while it’s flipping, and will fall off before the coin hits the ground, the journey is real and it’s everything. For an observer of the coin, that part of the journey never happened. But if the observer is eternity, then the entire coin flip never happened because anything divided by infinity is zero. The journey really never happened, at all.

 This is the ultimate perspective of our tiny human journey, on a much older planet Earth, a tiny component of a solar system, which is a tiny component of a galaxy, which is a tiny component of the known Universe, itself a tiny component of the unknown Universe, which never even existed as far as its surrounding Void is concerned.  

Our Universe is just one ripple in the endless ripple effect. In between ripples, there’s void. Outside the outermost ripple, there’s void. At the heart of the ripple effect there’s void. The “small pebble” that started the ripple effect is “nothing” itself. Because the state of “nothing” is unsustainable, each time you hit that state, a ripple effect is created. All one needs to create a Universe, is a state of Nothingness. And the journey from Nothing to Everything is circular; never-ending. It’s here and not here at the same time.

Since humankind started exploring space, we’ve only been exploring the ripple we’re in, a tiny corner of our own ripple. Our ripple is an ever growing 3-D circle surrounding an inner ripple and being surrounded by an outer ripple. Hypothetically speaking, if we send a spaceship away from earth on a straight line at a parallel trajectory to the ripple, it will come back to earth after traveling the entire circle of the ripple.

What’s more, all ripples are identical. Whatever lies within a ripple, lies within each of the endless ripples. Each particle, every planet, every galaxy is replicated in each of the endless ripples, and as such, connected to each other. Imagine the implications of harnessing such knowledge.

For example: We’ve always thought that the secret to exploring space is by sending something out there and waiting for it to come back or send signals back. How about attracting something from point A to point B by using the power of this quantum connectivity across ripples, without using rockets or beams or any other form of propulsion?

All alleged UFO sightings describe objects that appear then disappear at dazzling speed. Obviously, there are no engines involved. How about the possibility of a civilization inside a different ripple than ours that has fully harnessed quantum physics and just appears here, then reappears there, instantly? The second we observe them, they disappear; much like quantum physics itself. 

And one last thing, these black holes out there are nothing but pockets of void trapped inside ripples, or within ripples (by default of a ripple effect). Matter doesn’t disappear when it approaches a black hole. It just re-appears instantly at the opposite point of entry. We just have no means to monitor the instant re-emergence on the other side of the void pocket across the vast space.

In brief, the Universe is self-perpetuating and inevitable. There’s no magic. No beginning and no end. It’s circular. Give me a perfect void, and I’ll give you a perfect Universe.

Shen Li

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